Well its been some time since I have blogged about things. What has happened then?
The end of last year as a bit mad with a mix of work and holiday and seeing friend. Fun time climbing on the Ben Nevis with Adam and Suzana.
Them off to Norway for wee holiday for 10 days for walking, climbing and a bit of a chill out time. I would say I have fallen in love with the place a want to get back to explore it some more.
After this I got a job in Hong Kong for the Autumn working for Asia Pacific Adventure. Hong Kong is cool place with a full mix of west and east. There is far amount of climbing within a small place and great mix of single and multi pitch climbing.
After working the session there head up to China to a place called Yangshuo. Where is this some of the best sport climbing I have ever done. There is so much rock there that is mad. Another place that I will been to get back too!
Then it was back to the UK for the winter at Glenmore Lodge to work in the kitchen that gave great time off to get out and play. The session start off will getting back into using ice axe again after sport climbing but feet strong from it.
Sadly this feeling of being strong would be a down fall to me. In one week I did the one thing that you should not do in winter and that Fall OFF. Both of the routes I could say are sandbags but real if they where. I should have thought of what grade I was and how I was feeling. That was not good. I did not realize how easily I could chat yourself into that it will be find and get on it. Now I have bad a good long brake for climbing I have lost this mine set and much more can i or can i not. There need to be more black and white for me in winter now. Its not summer and if it goes wrong it goes really worry. I was luck this time I could walk away and lough with meets about.
Within that break form climbing I got into winter walking as it still keep me out on the hill and late me rest shoulder.
As well as the walking there was some kayaking too shadowing for my 4 Star White Water Kayak assessment in May on days that seem to have no water but lost of sunshine on the hills
Well thats me pretty much up to date will try and keep on top of blogging a we bit more now.