Well last weekend was the
10th Strathpuffer and it was a great time!! Had been enter with my friend Andy who I did it with last year as a quad and we where going to do it as a pair but he broke his wrist the week before. So with some calling about got another friend Rich to join in for the 24 hours of madness. The route was not much different form last year they had add a muddy end to the lap witch was great fun to hit the puddles and there was a lot more ice about at the start off the race. So how did it good. We did pretty will for the still about 1 where we both die after getting 16 laps done and then got back on it at 7 to get 3 more done so 19 laps in all. We came 31st out of 58th mans pairs. I was well happy with 19 laps as I had broken my ankle back in Sept and Rich had week notice before the race. And some how had a smell on his face on the change over (think he enjoy the muddy a lot more then me). A big thanks to Fi and Davey for food and pitting for us!! We'll done to Fiona for coming third solo woman. And will I be back again for sure just need find a team.
Me enjoy the sunshine (Photo Archie Lang) |
Fi with her prizes |
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