It's been a bit of a mad two days. Was meant to be heading over east with uni for 4 days of climbing, walking and maybe skilling. But with the bad weather forecast they besides to canals the trip. Witch was far to do. I head over none the less to see if anything could be done. First day headed out with Ed to Coire an t'Sneachda, tho it did not start off well the snow gets where shut so meant a nice was up the road. Getting up to the car park we fond that some winter skill groups had made it up. Witch meant lots of people to brake trial. There where so big brief but easily avoid. We planed on doing Hidden Chimney but a team where heading up the direct. So as The Haston Line as it looking good. Climbing was great fun with tricky bits in places and needing small hips for bits too. On the walk off we meet the team that had been avalanche down the goat track so helped brake trial from them on way out. Bit of a lucky boy. Hope he gets better soon.
Along road ahead |
Trail breakers |
Ed on the first Pitch |
The second head out with Lou and James. Lou has her MIC coming up in March and need to practice teaching skill to people and as they say you ever stop learning. We planed on heading to Creagan Coire Cha-no on the walk up the wind so a bit wild at time feeling like 40-50mph but we battled are way on. Getting to the top on the crag I found out the hard way use you need to check you have done things up tight. I had lost 2 bolts out on my axes.
Fighting the wind |
Something missing here?!?! |
So after some words to myself and say sorry (some many times). Change in place to head to try do snow anchors on the walk back to the mighty Ciste crag. This sadly did not work out as the snow where we planed to do it was winds slab. So moving on to Ciste crag where we go on and practice tying using fig 8s and placing pegs. There where lots on groups from Glenmore Lodge the Coire too. We pland to have a bit of food and find a place to do snow anchors after but the day got cut short so I could get a lift home.
James on the lead with Lou |
Groups about |
In all a great 2 days out climbing if a bit of a mess up on my part. Now time to find from the winter storms and get ready for the Strathpuffer this coming weekend it looking like it going to be a fun time.
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