Had one of the best days winter climbing today!! Headed over east with Rich, Cam and
Nathan. Rich and Cam were going for a wee ski about the place. Nathan and myself going into Coire an t'Sneachda with many plans as we where a bit late to the climbing party. On the walk in we did not see anyone on Mess of Pottage thought we had missed something. But as always in the east over a rise and there was everyone. We thought that we would have to settle for one of are other plans but all the teams where doing No Blue Skies, Opening Break, The Haston Line and Hidden Chimney Direct. Leaving us with The Message!! Woop woop. (Got to love the student start paying off sometime)

Nathan had done the route in summer before and gave me the second pitch. Meaning he had a great start over blocky ground with great hooks to the bottom of the grove. This was a great start by its self. Then it was me up to the crux pitch witch was great. Just none stop cracks to hook in and gear where you want it. The hard move at the top had be going for a bit but pulled over it ok and a rest. Nathan so sailed up it and he lead off the last bit to the top. I can see easily why The Message get it 3 star. It have bit of everything that you want and it give is all the way to the top!!

At the top we had a bit more time before we had to be back at the car so head up Honeypot. I had done it 2 years ago but it was under a lot of snow!! This time a big change of little snow and good cracks to climb. Nathan again had the first pitch witch had a bit of a tricky start to it then eased off to the belay. Then onto the chimney and roof. It felt a wee bit thin for axe on the lower part with a bit more work looking for placements then I remember from before. Getting up to the roof I was a feeling it and had to think hard on what to do but made it over ok. Think am still needing to work up to being smooth at the grade. But was great to be pushing it a bit. Nathan again fired up with no problems and make it look easy as.
In the end a great day with to amazing routes done. Conditions for mixed climbing are amazing at the min no ice in the cracks. Now its going to be a busy March with uni and work. So not to sure on the next winter outing. Hopefully one more before it all goes.
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